2018 BC Seafood Reception


The BC Seafood Alliance held a reception for provincial MLA’s on Wednesday April 11 in Victoria, BC.  The reception is held periodically and facilitates discussion among politicians, fishermen, processors and other representatives from BC’s wild, seafood industry have the chance to network and discuss important topics confronting the BC seafood industry.rs. 

Some of the key topics presented included:

  • The importance of our industry including, value to the economy, support of family-owned businesses and the significant participation of First Nations
  • Our sustainability
  • Proposed changes to the fisheries act
  • Asking MLA’s to continue to ensure commercial fish harvesters, processing plant workers and their families are treated fairly and equitably as the federal government moves forward with increased coastal and marine area protected, reconciliation and changes to the Fisheries Act.

In attendance for the BC Salmon Marketing Council was Dane Chauvel (BCSMC Chair) and Derek Perkins (Marketing Manager – Strategy and Channel Integration)


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