Which Species of Wild BC Salmon has Ivory Flesh?
Did you know that there is a species of Wild BC Salmon that has ivory coloured flesh?
Chinook (aka Spring or King) is the only species of Wild BC Salmon with a rare white or ivory variety, which can make up anywhere from 3-30% of a particular catch . Ivory Chinook can be found in various river systems from Alaska down to the Fraser River. Commonly 5% to 30% of any particular run of Chinook will be whites. You cannot identify an Ivory Chinook from the outside. However, if you look at the gills, you should be able to see a noticeable paleness.
These Ivory Chinook are thought to have a recessive gene that prevents them from taking up the naturally occurring pigments called carotenoids which occur in the shrimp, krill and crab that form the diet of chinook salmon. The colour of their pale flesh can range anywhere from almost translucent white to pale pink, and even marbled pink and white (known as calico salmon in some areas).
Photo credit: imagenesmi.com