A friendly reminder to remit your salmon levies by December 31st of each year.
Here’s a link to the levy remittance form and levy payment instructions, for your convenience.
BCSMC Authority:
The BC Salmon Marketing Council was established in 1991 under provincial legislation1 topromote commercially caught wild BC salmon in international and domestic markets to benefit BC’s commercial salmon industry.
Under this legislation, all commercially caught salmon in BC is subject to a levy of 0.5% on the landed value (price paid to fishermen), to help fund BCSMC marketing activities.
First Buyers:
A First Buyer is any company/person that buys commercially caught wild BC salmonfrom fishermen to process and/or sell.
Including but not limited to licence categories “A”, “N” and “F”.
Including all commercial, demonstration, ITQ, catch monitoring, pilot, test, selective,research, ESSR, and Aboriginal/FN economic opportunity salmon fisheries
Monthly Remittance Reports and Payments:
All First Buyers are required by law to collect a levy of 0.5% of the price paid forsalmon (landed value) from all fishermen and remit this levy to the Council.
Landed value includes all initial and adjustment payments made to fishermen.
A completed Levy Remittance Report and payment (if applicable) is required EVERYmonth, within 15 days of the end of the previous month, even if no fish were bought.
Reports must include supporting documents (accounting reports or fish slips)verifying the quantity/poundage and value on each monthly report.
Levy Remittance Records:
First Buyers must retain all records respecting the levy for two years from the date of thecollection, including the name and address of each Producer who paid the levy, and be prepared to make these records available to the Council upon request.
A First Buyer who fails to comply with the Act is:
subject to interest charges of 5% per month on overdue levies.
liable upon conviction to a fine.
subject without notice to audit of all internal records relating to the levy.
Questions? Please contact:
Leslie Budden, Administrator
BC Salmon Marketing Council,
PO Box 18538, Delta, BC V4K 4V7
Email: lbudden@bcsalmon.ca
Phone: 604 328-7835